Uncle C’s Long Life

1918!  Can you even imagine life in 1918? Think before television and video games.  Think beyond telephones and automobiles.  Think even before electricity, heating, running water and indoor plumbing.  1918 was the year Uncle Carlos was born.  Unbelievable.  It is hard to imagine life in those times, how difficult things must have been.

Uncle Carlos, who is called “Uncle” by many, but actually is uncle to none, was born the third child of a doctor and his wife in Illinois.  To this day Carlos speaks of his father with great respect and often becomes teary-eyed whenever reminiscing about him.  His father was not only a physician, but a scholar and preacher.  His father graduated valedictorian of his medical school class and continued studying and gaining knowledge throughtout his life.  Carlos’ recalls times when his father was gone for days tending to patients in their homes, unable to make it back to his family.  He was a caring, patient man and refused care to no one.  Mostly his pay consisted of a chicken or some eggs, possibly a ham or whatever else a family could spare.

Carlos also speaks lovingly of his mother, a hard-working woman who remained at home caring for the children as her husband cared for others.  Life was hard for women in those days.  There were no gas or electric stoves on which to cook, thus food was prepared over an open fire.  There were no washers or dryers, clothing was scrubbed by hand and hung up to dry.  Winters in Illinois were brutal and his mother worked diligently at keeping a fire going in order to keep the family warm.  Carlos remembers his mother heating bricks over an open fire and tenderly wrapping them in cloth before placing them under the covers at the foot of his bed on cold winter nights to keep him warm and toasty.

It is the stories of his childhood that Carlos loves to share with my family and now I would like to share them with you.  Enjoy!

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